Þrettándatónleikar með Ragnheiði Gröndal
Verið velkomin á þrettándatónleika fyrir börn þar sem Ragnheiður Gröndal syngur lög sem byggja á íslensku þjóðsögunum, svo sem lög um jólaköttinn, Grýlu, jólasveinana og tröllabörnin, sem og lög um álfa, huldufólk, tröll o.fl. Tónleikarnir eru partur af verkefninu ,,Blásum lífi í þjóðsögurnar” sem er styrkt af Barnamenningarsjóði. Frítt inn og öll velkomin
Skiptimarkaður jólasveinsins
Skiptimarkaður jólasveinsins er á 2. hæð aðalsafns. Jólasveinarnir vilja ýta undir hringrásarhagkerfið og hafa því fengið aðsetur hjá okkur fyrir dótaskiptimarkað. Þar má bæði skilja eftir og/eða taka dót, án allra kvaða. Skiptimarkaðurinn verður opinn til 23. desember.
Aðventutónleikar Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs
Nemendur Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs spila ljúfa jólatónlist fyrir gesti og gangandi á 1. hæð aðalsafns dagana 5. desember, 12. desember og 19. desember kl. 16:00. Piparkökur og hugguleg stemning. Öll velkomin!
Aðventutónleikar Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs
Nemendur Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs spila ljúfa jólatónlist fyrir gesti og gangandi á 1. hæð aðalsafns dagana 5. desember, 12. desember og 19. desember kl. 16:00. Piparkökur og hugguleg stemning. Öll velkomin!
Aðventutónleikar Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs
Nemendur Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs spila ljúfa jólatónlist fyrir gesti og gangandi á 1. hæð aðalsafns dagana 5. desember, 12. desember og 19. desember kl. 16:00. Piparkökur og hugguleg stemning. Öll velkomin!
Get together
Get Together meet-ups will be held at the Library in Kópavogur, on the first floor in the Tilraunastofa – meeting room. The meet-ups are international meetings open to refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and anyone seeking companionship. Whether you’re a family or an individual, you’re welcome to join us. Each week, we gather and do relaxing activities […]
Get together
Get Together meet-ups will be held at the Library in Kópavogur, on the first floor in the Tilraunastofa – meeting room. The meet-ups are international meetings open to refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and anyone seeking companionship. Whether you’re a family or an individual, you’re welcome to join us. Each week, we gather and do relaxing activities […]
Get together
Get Together meet-ups will be held at the Library in Kópavogur, on the first floor in the Tilraunastofa – meeting room. The meet-ups are international meetings open to refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and anyone seeking companionship. Whether you’re a family or an individual, you’re welcome to join us. Each week, we gather and do relaxing activities […]
Get together
Get Together meet-ups will be held at the Library in Kópavogur, on the first floor in the Tilraunastofa – meeting room. The meet-ups are international meetings open to refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and anyone seeking companionship. Whether you’re a family or an individual, you’re welcome to join us. Each week, we gather and do relaxing activities […]
Get together
Get Together meet-ups will be held at the Library in Kópavogur, on the first floor in the Tilraunastofa – meeting room. The meet-ups are international meetings open to refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and anyone seeking companionship. Whether you’re a family or an individual, you’re welcome to join us. Each week, we gather and do relaxing activities […]
Get together
Get Together meet-ups will be held at the Library in Kópavogur, on the first floor in the Tilraunastofa – meeting room. The meet-ups are international meetings open to refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and anyone seeking companionship. Whether you’re a family or an individual, you’re welcome to join us. Each week, we gather and do relaxing activities […]
Get together
Get Together meet-ups will be held at the Library in Kópavogur, on the first floor in the Tilraunastofa – meeting room. The meet-ups are international meetings open to refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and anyone seeking companionship. Whether you’re a family or an individual, you’re welcome to join us. Each week, we gather and do relaxing activities […]