”Ást Er” er verk sem kannar innbygða ómun. Þetta þátttökuverk býður áhorfendum að taka þátt og eiga samskipti við umhverfið og aðra, búa til hljóðheim um leið og þau kanna rýmið og hjartslátt sinn. “Ást Er” umbreytir rýminu með notkun ómskoðunartækja og hjartsláttarmæla í dýnamískan hljóðheim. Hjartsláttur þátttakanda hefur áhrif á hljóðheiminn á sama tíma og hann býr til ljóðrænan úrdrátt sem tengist inn á tilfinningalegt ástand þeirra í gegnum saumlausa og ástríka endurómun.
Í gegnum verkið eiga líkamar samskipti við og móta rýmið sem þýðist í lög af hljómmögnun. “Ást Er” býður þátttakendum að kanna tengslin á milli innri og ytri takts, sem býður upp á ferðalag inn í orku nærveru og skynjunar.
“Love Is” is an exploration of embodied resonances. This interactive installation invites participants to engage with their surroundings and with each other, creating sounds while exploring the physical space and perceiving the rhythm of their hearts.
Using ultrasound sensors and heart rate monitors, “Love Is” transforms the space into a dynamic soundscape. Participants’ heartbeats affect this soundscape in real-time, creating a poetic abstraction that resonates with their emotional state in a seamless loving feedback.’
Through this piece, our bodies interact with and shape the spaces we inhabit, translating presence into layers of sound and resonance. “Love Is” invites the audience to explore the connection between inner and outer physicality, offering a reflective journey into the power of presence and perception.
Miguel Crozzoli is a composer, performer, and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Iceland conducting research at the Intelligent Instruments Lab. He studied composition, jazz, and cultural management in Argentina, and holds a master’s degree and an Advanced Postgraduate Diploma from Denmark.
Miguel has released music in the jazz and contemporary music scenes, with 10 releases featuring his compositions and over 25 albums in collaborative projects. Passionate about integrating artistic expression with science, Miguel engages in climate art, using data as a primary material in his pieces. He has created participatory sound installations aimed at fostering dialogue and awareness around climate change.
In his Ph.D., Miguel researches the potential of AI for exploring big data through data perceptualization, specializing in multi-display interactive systems with a focus on sonification. Miguel’s work deals with data democratization for community empowerment and the search for emergent meanings through affectivization in times of datafication and global crises.
Exhibition space: Bókasafn Kópavogs.